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Lagraziana's Kalliopeion

This is a blog about my reads as well as everything related to them.

My taste is for good quality literature - old and new. Some of it I review here or on my main book blog Edith's Miscellany.



The Fight for Decent Working Conditions: The Metal of the Dead by Concha Espina

The Metal of the Dead - Concha Espina, Anna-Marie Aldaz El Metal de Los Muertos - Concha Espina

This one is a Spanish classical novel written by a woman who is almost forgotten today although she was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature several times and she was very close to actually being awarded it at least twice.


The Metal of the Dead is often referred to as a socialist novel, a genre that was a bit in fashion in the early twentieth century. So shortly after the Russian Revolution socialist ideology had not yet a bad reputation, but people still set their hopes in it everywhere in the world including the mining area of Rio Tinto in Andalusia that is the main scene of this novel that is considered her best. The plot deals with a general strike that was called there around 1917... and the joys and sorrows of the miners and their families.


For the full review please click here to go to my main book blog Edith’s Miscellany.


The Metal of the Dead - Concha Espina,Anna-Marie Aldaz 

Source: http://edith-lagraziana.blogspot.com